Sagittarius horoscope for august 2021
- Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
- Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
You have several standout days this month that you may want to make memorable by planning a special event – dinner out, a road trip for “just us two,” or a simple walk in the early evening to enjoy the scent of honeysuckle permeating the air. Here they are:
First, circle August 2-3, when your ruler Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus will stir up sexy fun – you will get more loving attention, so single or attached, that’s always a pleasing prospect.
Next, note August 11 when Venus and Pluto will create heightened passion, and as both are in earth signs, these planets seem determined to bring you a memorable experience.
If you are single, one of your best days for out-of-the-blue love will be August 22, when Mars and surprise-a-minute-Uranus will join forces to spark fun and love. If you are single, you may meet someone suddenly in a social setting, and it will happen when you least expect it to. Mars and Venus will be in Virgo, Uranus remains in Taurus, and Pluto is in Capricorn – all four planets will be working on your behalf. Indeed, you will be in the best position to enjoy new love or to add spice to an ongoing romantic relationship.
Changing gears here and going back to earlier in the month, something seems to be happening in regard to a family or residential/property situation, and talks will likely come up on or just after at the new moon appears in Leo, August 8, and the two weeks that follow. A new moon usually brings opportunity, but this new moon is tricky and will present a number of unexpected twists and turns for you to fix before you can reach your home-related goal. This time, Uranus will bring up matters you won’t see coming and temporarily knock you off kilter. It will take time to work out an answer – possibly until the favorable full moon six months from now, February 16, 2022. You are a patient soul and understand that changes can take time. This will put you ahead of other signs that will want to rush. In this case, slow and steady wins the race.
Astrology,” published by Taschen, is the title of a book that traces the vibrant visual history of astrology. Taschen is renowned for their rich offering of fine art books. This book has over 400 images depicting various astrological images, going back to the Egyptian temples and extending up to contemporary art. Remarkably, no one has ever published a visual history of how astrology has been depicted through the ages, and it is fascinating to see.
When the author, Andrea Richards, and the editor of this luxury book, Jessica Hundley, called to ask if I would write the forward to the book, I was honored and humbled. They asked for two paragraphs, but I sent 1,800 words about my love of symbols in astrology. Jessica, the book’s editor, called to tell me she loved what I wrote and that she changing almost nothing.
This is a book you will want to keep in your library for years. Hardcover, it is 6.7 x 9.4 inches and has 520 pages.
The Los Angeles Times lauded this book, writing: “One comes away with an understanding of astrology’s place in history, pop culture, art, mythology and psychology.”
You can buy this book directly from Taschen for $40.00 US.
Click here to order:
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
You seem to have a strong case of wanderlust and are hoping to leave town, and happily, it appears you will get your wish. The new moon in your third house will arrive on Monday, September 6, which is the popular Labor Day holiday in the US. That new moon will fall in Virgo, 15 degrees. If you do travel on this new moon of September 6, it is very possible that you will choose to take a short trip in your vicinity, approximately 200 miles from your home base. This would be a good time to go.
The reason I love this new moon is that Uranus, at 15 degrees Taurus, will send shimmering rays to this new moon. Its positive influence will extend for a long time into the future. Uranus in Taurus brings surprises, and when in superb aspect to the Sun and new moon in Virgo as Uranus will be this month, your career surprises should be happy ones. It appears you’ll get plenty of opportunity to pack and go.
Your travels may be for pleasure, but there’s an even greater possibility that you will make your trip for business. Mars is also currently in Virgo, this same third house of short travel, contracts, and negotiations, and will remain so after the new moon of September 6. This is significant because Mars is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This is why I feel it’s very possible you’ll want to do a face-to-face with a client to negotiate a deal. It appears to be an excellent idea to meet—your financial aspects are glittering now, too.
Why is your outlook for making money so strong and bright? At the time of the Monday, September 6, new moon, and especially in the handful of days that follow it, Venus in Libra will be in perfect angle to Jupiter in Aquarius. Good-fortune Jupiter is currently in your eighth house of other people’s money, so a generous commission, royalty, licensing fee, or bonus looks to be heading your way as a result of talks you may have with clients in the days that quickly follow the new moon, September 6.
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Политическая работа в послевоенной Германии
Как и многие другие эмигранты, Вилли Эйхлер и Сюзанна Миллер вернулись в Германию после окончания войны, чтобы участвовать в политической реконструкции. По инициативе кельнских социал-демократов, в частности, при посредничестве Вернера Хансена , Эйхлер был назначен главным редактором Rheinische Zeitung , выходящего в этом городе, в начале 1946 года . Сюзанна Миллер последовала за ним в апреле 1946 года и в том же месяце присоединилась к СДПГ. ISK уже распался в конце 1945 года, и, как и Миллер, большинство его членов теперь были социал-демократами.
В своем местном объединении Кельн-Юг она была избрана в руководство. Вскоре после этого она стала председателем СДПГ в районе Среднего Рейна. В этой роли она организовывала образовательные мероприятия для женщин в 1950-х годах. Некоторые из этих мероприятий были также нацелены на женщин из соседних партийных округов, а также из соседних стран — Бельгии , Люксембурга и Нидерландов . Через этот офис в 1948 году она попала в Центральный женский комитет партии. В этом комитете она связалась с другими важными политиками СДПГ, такими как Герта Готтхельф , Элизабет Селберт , Луиза Альбертц , Аннемари Ренгер и Луиза Шредер .
Ее деятельность в области социал-демократического образования включала участие в развитии социалистического образовательного сообщества в Кельне, за которое, помимо Эйхлера, также выступали будущий премьер-министр Северного Рейна-Вестфалии Хайнц Кюн и его жена Марианна и Герхард Вайссеры . Сюзанна Миллер и Марианна Кюн отвечали за планирование лекционной программы и выбор подходящих докладчиков, включая Вольфганга Леонхарда и Генриха Бёлля . Миллер также участвовал в реконструкции Философско-политической академии , которая после 1949 года принимала участие в политических и социальных дискуссиях и, таким образом, продолжала мысли Нельсона. Спустя десятилетия, с 1982 по 1990 год, Сюзанна Миллер была председателем этой академии.
В 1951 году Сюзанна Миллер и Вилли Эйхлер переехали в Бонн, потому что Эйхлер был избран в оплачиваемый партийный руководитель СДПГ. Вскоре после переезда Миллер стал сотрудником Эйхлера и, следовательно, наемным работником руководителя партии СДПГ. После поражения СДПГ в федеральных выборах в 1953 году, Eichler стал председателем комиссии по программам на SPD съезде партии в Берлине в 1954 году, который должен был разработать новую программу партии. Сюзанна Миллер очень близко познакомилась с разработкой этой программы, потому что ей приходилось вести протоколы заседаний программного комитета и подводить итоги обширных дискуссий. В результате эта новая программа, которая вошла в историю партии в 1959 году как программа Годесберга, привела к переориентации партии. Он больше не видел себя в качестве марксистской классовой партии, но как народ — участника , а рыночная экономика уже не отвергнута , но приветствуется.
Фильмы и телевидение
Миллер был сопродюсером художественного фильма Miramax « Зачарованная Элла» с Энн Хэтэуэй в главной роли . Газета New York Times назвала этот фильм «одним из лучших фильмов для детей старшего возраста за долгое время».
Вот Это Да! Вот Это Да! Wubbzy! транслируется в более чем 100 странах на крупных вещательных компаниях, включая Disney Jr. , Nickelodeon UK , Nickelodeon Australia , ABC Australia , Super RTL , Discovery Kids Latin America , Cartoon Network , Treehouse TV и другие. ( Wubbzy получил премию Emmy , Telly и KidScreen за лучший телевизионный фильм, Wubb Idol с Бейонсе в главной роли.
Güç oyunları
29 Eylül 2019
Plüton’un Venüs ile kesişmesi, tüm burçları kariyer ve güç anlamında zorlayarak, değişim rüzgârları estirecek.
KOÇGüç dengeleri değişiyor Haritanızın ilişkiler evindeki Venüs kariyer evinizdeki Plüton’a meydan okuyacağı bu hafta işte birtakım güç dengelerinin değişmesiyle birlikte birebir ilişkileriniz karışabilir. Yönetimdeki bir değişiklik nedeniyle vakit alan yeni bir role adım atabilir veya iş ortaklığınızda gerekli değişiklikleri yaşayabilirsiniz. BOĞAİletişim kanalları açıkVenüs’ün para ve güç gezegeni olan Plüton’u dürtmesiyle değerlerinizi sorgulayacaksınız. İletişim gezegeni Merkür’ün Perşembe günü haritanızın ilişkiler evine girmesiyle, özellikle de eşinizle veya iş ortağınızla lişkilerinizde düşüncelerinizi açıkça dile getirebileceksiniz.
Yazının Devamını Oku
Сьюзан Миллер — президент Cupcake Digital Inc. , фирмы, известной созданием цифровых интерактивных приложений-историй, которые включают образовательные аспекты и придерживаются инициативы Common Core State Standards Initiative . Приложения Cupcake Digital с тремя режимами чтения, профессиональным повествованием и обучающими играми оживляют старых персонажей и обучают детей таким концепциям обучения, как распознавание слов и звуков.
Она также является соучредителем компании Bolder Media, Inc. , которая специализируется на разработке книг, телесериалов, цифровых медиа и фильмов для мальчиков и девочек. Она является со-исполнительным продюсером популярного мультсериала Ника-младшего Wow! Вот Это Да! Wubbzy!
Zirveleri test ediyoruz
15 Eylül 2019
Bu hafta hırs gezegeni Mars, güç ve dönüşüm gezegeni Plüton’la işbirliği yapıyor. Haliyle neredeyse tüm burçlar özellikle profesyonel hayatlarındaki fırsatlara odaklanacak.
KOÇİşte olumlu gelişmelerProfesyonel hayatınızda önemli gelişmelerin eşiğindesiniz. Mars-Plüton bağlantısı olumlu bir dönüşüm için gösterdiğiniz çabaları perçinleyecek ve belki de kariyerinizi değiştirmenize ya da şimdiki işinizde yükselmenize yardım edecek.BOĞAYurtdışına gidebilirsinizSanatçıysanız ya da yaratıcılık gerektiren bir iş yapıyorsanız yurtdışına gidebilir ya da sosyal medya aracılığıyla çalışmalarınızı geniş kitlelere gösterebilirsiniz. Ayrıca önemsediğiniz bir sosyal konuda bağış kampanyasına katılabilirsiniz.
Yazının Devamını Oku
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
As an Aquarian, you have your own yardstick for success—that is your key to confidence. You don’t particularly care what other people think, but rather it is your assessment of what you are doing that counts. You are acutely aware of current events and the feelings of others in the world, the reason Aquarius is called the sign of the brotherhood of man and the sign most likely to form groups to combat suffering of those in the community or the world at large who have been marginalized and overlooked.
A typical Aquarian is not overly concerned about money because you feel that if you concentrate and work hard and smart, always in the spirit of innovation and creativity, the money will flow to you naturally. You are right, and it has always been that way. That’s why this month is a bit of an anomaly—you will be fairly obsessed with making money, saving money, your credit rating, and how you approach spending.
The new moon on September 6 will kick off this trend. It will appear in Virgo, 15 degrees, your eighth house of other people’s money. This new moon is outstandingly favorable, and the tightest, closest aspect will come from Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, suggesting you may get money from family that you don’t see coming. This would be true even if you have never received money from your parent or other relatives before. The fact that Uranus is your ruler only strengthens this aspect to a powerful level. Looking at your chart, it could be that you are saving up money in order to buy a house or condo, and your windfall from family might be to help you toward achieving that end.
You might see income from other sources, but with Uranus based in your fourth house, it seems to be closely tied to either family or real estate at the core. If you are selling property, you will also do well—your timing could not be better. Make sure the buyer is pre-approved from the bank, and set the closing date either for the first half of September or near October 31, your best date. If you are a real estate broker, your commission this month (coming just after the new moon September 6) could easily turn out to be hefty.
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Академическая деятельность
После окончания учебы Сюзанна Миллер сначала думала о работе в библиотеке партийного руководителя СДПГ. Но она не реализовала эти планы. Она также не приняла предложение работать в Международном институте учебников в Брауншвейге . Она осталась в Бонне и в 1964 году стала сотрудником Комиссии по истории парламентаризма и политических партий . В этом неуниверситетском исследовательском учреждении она проработала всю свою дальнейшую профессиональную жизнь до 1978 года. Сначала она работала над исходными изданиями. Сюда входил военный дневник депутата социал-демократического рейхстага Эдуарда Давида и том источников по правительству народных представителей . Затем Миллер опубликовал исследования о развитии немецкой социал-демократии в Первой мировой войне и о первых правительствах, возглавляемых социал-демократией, в Веймарской республике . Первое из этих двух исследований, Burgfrieden и Klassekampf , до сих пор считается стандартной работой.
В 1974 году она опубликовала в короткую историю СДПГ вместе с Генрихом Potthoff . Этот шрифт был разработан для внутрипартийной воспитательной работы. В 2002 году вышло восьмое издание этого произведения, количество которого выросло с 350 до почти 600.
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
As a Cancer, you are ruled by the moon, so while everyone will enjoy this August 22 full moon, you will love it more. For you, the moon is weighted more heavily in your chart, so it will likely produce bountiful, dramatic results for you. Last month the moon did not conjoin Jupiter, so this month’s August 22 full moon sparkles brightly and should make you thrilled about financial news coming just when you need it most.
There is another reason this month’s full moon could produce the money you need. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, exited Aquarius, your eighth financial house, from May 13 through July 28, when he went into Pisces. That’s a good placement for you too, but Aquarius is better for your financial picture. Jupiter’s small visit to Pisces was meant to give you a more lasting picture of what’s to come in larger form in 2022 when Jupiter goes back into Pisces. From now on (having started July 28), you will have the planet of good fortune in your eighth house of other people’s money until December 29 of this year. When it comes to money, you have all the luck now.
This is the best full moon I have seen in ages for you. It will act like a can opener to unlock all the financial goodies that Jupiter has for you. Because it will light your eighth house of other people’s money, you might receive a generous commission, royalty check or licensing fee, a large insurance payout, tax refund, or college financial aid package. You may receive money from a government program, or you may be sent a valuable gift (or cash) for your birthday. If you applied for a loan or mortgage, you could easily get a letter saying you qualified for that loan. The sum would be large and the terms very good. If anyone owes you money, it is likely to come in now. When it comes to money, from August 22 to 27 you will be a money magnet.
Now let’s turn to other topics. You might be thinking, is this month only about money? No! You will have time for fun and relaxation, too. While you will be watching your pennies early in the month, it is likely you could take a quick trip, within 200 miles of your home, in the second half of August.
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Susanna Miller named in her father Robert’s will written on 25 May at Broadalbin, Montgomery County, New York, ; codicil written 7 Jun
Born 1901, с.Штефан Добринский р-н Б/Р Немц/Пов; немка;
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Bartel, Susanna Miller Linscheid ( ). From Biograph. Jump to: navigation, search. Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: Feb 14 p.
The grave site of Susanna Miller. Cemetery: Sipesville Church of the Brethren Cemetery Birth: Not Available Death: 23 Mar
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Susanna Miller-Pence in San Luis Obispo, CA. Susanna Miller-Pence specializes in clinical social worker, practices at Johnson Avenue, phone number, …
Susanna Miller. In Memory of. Susanna Masters Miller Click above to light a memorial candle. This Book of Memories memorial website allows family and friends a place to re-visit, share and enhance this tribute for future generations. Open Full Navigation. Service Details · Obituary/Notice; Condolences and …
Susanna Miller. Honestly I’m just really confused and came here to try and get at least one answer to a question I had and if I need to ask more questions down …
Susana Spears / Zuzana Majorova / Suzanna Birch / Susanna Miller PATM Pictures
Sources & Information: Item 1.Family Group Record <> gives Susan Susanna Miller’s parents as, John Miller and Margaret …
Family Group Sheet for Moses Doolittle/Susanna Miller (F8988) : West Virginia Pioneers.
Susanna Miller. In Memory of. Susanna Masters Miller (Masters) Click above to light a memorial candle. This Book of Memories memorial website …
Family Group Sheets
Oral History | Accession Number: | RG Number: RG * Error loading player: No playable sources found. Some video files begin with seconds of color bars. Interviewee: Susanna Miller. Extent: 1 sound cassette : analog. Credit Line: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of …
Name, Susanna MILLER. Born, 21 May 1808, Ashe County, North Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location . Gender, Female. Died, Abt …
Haftasonuna kadar dikkat!
3 Kasım 2019
Geçen hafta yeniayla birlikte başlayan sıkıntılı dönem, bu haftasonuna doğru yumuşamaya başlıyor. Bütün burçlara sabır, anlayış ve daha fazla empati gerekiyor.
Önemli kişilerle anlaşmazlıkKOÇBire bir ilişkilerinizde önemli konumdaki kişilerle anlaşmazlık yaşayabilirsiniz. Bir iş ortağınız varsa, aranızda bir konuda ayrılık çıkabilir ya da birinizin kendini öne çıkarma çabaları diğerinizin sinirine dokunabilir.
Öğrenci misiniz?BOĞAHafta başında yurtdışı kaynaklı zorluklar yaşayabilirsiniz. Yahut öğrenciyseniz, bir sınava hazırlanmak için konsantre olmakta zorlanabilirsiniz. Şanslısınız ki Cuma günü Güneş sizi rahatlatacak.
Yazının Devamını Oku
Социалистические идеи и первая политическая деятельность
Воодушевленная разговорами со своим двоюродным братом старше двух лет и с Зеко Торбовым, учителем философии в немецкой средней школе в Софии, Сюзанна Штрассер начала заниматься социалистическими идеями. В центре внимания были идеи Леонарда Нельсона , основателя и пионера Международной социалистической лиги (ISK). Нельсон находился под сильным влиянием неокантианства . Члены ISK оправдывали свою приверженность социализму не марксистскими теориями, а этическими мотивами.
Во время двухнедельной поездки в Берлин в конце 1932 года Сюзанна Штрассер установила целенаправленный контакт с тамошними сторонниками ISK. Среди них были ее будущий муж Вилли Эйхлер, а также Густав Хекманн и Гельмут фон Раушенплат . По возвращении она не сразу начала учиться в Вене, а прошла социальную стажировку, продлившуюся несколько недель. За это время она познакомилась с условиями жизни в таких рабочих районах Вены, как Фаворитен , Оттакринг и Флоридсдорф .
Затем она начала изучать историю , английский язык и философию в Венском университете . На нее произвели впечатление профессора, на мероприятиях которых она присутствовала, Макс Адлер , теоретик австрийских социалистов, и философ Генрих Гомперц . В это время она вступила в Социалистический студенческий союз , к которому принадлежало лишь меньшинство сокурсников. Однако антисемитские настроения внутри этого объединения мешали им заниматься ассоциативной деятельностью.
Февральское восстание 1934 года было для них более созидательным . Жестокий конфликт между австро-фашистским государственным аппаратом при Энгельберте Дольфусе и Социал-демократической рабочей партией длился три дня в Вене и закончился здесь поражением социал-демократов. После окончания жестокого конфликта Штрассер принял участие в раздаче пожертвований из Великобритании и США семьям венского рабочего класса, которые нуждались в помощи, потому что доходы их семей упали из-за смертей, травм или арестов. Во время этой операции по оказанию помощи она познакомилась, в частности, с более поздним министром внутренних дел Австрии Йозефом Афричем и Альмой Зейтц, женой Карла Зейтца , который был мэром бывшей красной Вены .
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
Saturn in your sixth house will press on you, though, no matter how this new moon will affect you. It seems a friend will concern you, for the moon rules your eleventh house of friendship. It’s possible she (the moon is feminine) will be ill, possibly in the hospital or in physical therapy, and needs your kind, emotional support. If her health is good, there may be something else going on in her life and desperately needs you to jump in and help, possibly to care for her children. Whether it’s as an advocate for your friend or for yourself, you seem to be interacting with medical personnel this month . I always find mid-year the best time to have annual medical exams, and maybe you do, too.
The sixth house, which holds Saturn, also rules your day-to-day projects and overall workload, so early this month you may feel the weight of the responsibility to get everything done. Or you may need to hire people to help you and are frustrated by the salary being asked for by the candidates you want. Alternatively, you may need to upgrade your computers or other equipment, and you are wondering how you can manage that.
In a month that has plenty of mysterious twists and turns, the very area that might have pressured you—your work life or concern over your own health or the health of a friend—will show a near-miracle breakthrough by the end of the month. This month is really a surprise-a-minute. If the start of the month is hard, the last third is splendid!
I have to give you a little background. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, took a little trip out of Aquarius where he was since December 19, 2020. Jupiter took a trip into Pisces from May 13 to July 28, but good- fortune Jupiter is now newly back in your sixth house of health and work projects, just where you need him to be! Jupiter will work to calm your fears and help you with health and work-related projects, including your possible need to hire staff or add new digital equipment. Best of all, Jupiter will expand your incoming business, which is perhaps the best news of all during a pandemic.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
On the sidelines, Pluto will be in ideal angle to Mercury, so if you are traveling on or near Sunday, August 22, you will thoroughly enjoy your trip. It could be quite inspirational to you, and you might even find that your trip transforms you. (If traveling at this time, August 22, you may be returning—or leaving—home at this date, but if you are leaving on a full moon, you aren’t likely to stay for long while.)
This full moon will help you in a very direct way if you were born on March 20 or 21, plus five days, or if your natal moon is in Aries or Aquarius at 29 degrees. The same is true if you have a planet in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 29 degrees (adding a tolerance of an extra five degrees). Air-sign Aquarius gets along beautifully with fire-sign Aries—you feel invigorated by air.
Before I go, want to ask you to watch Friday, August 20, because unexpected career news is likely to reach you. Uranus will send golden beams to Mercury, translating into a prestigious rise in your career, as well as more money for you, too. If you are self-employed, you may bring in new business—just when you thought the client would never come in. If you work for others, you may get a very nice raise. No matter what, praise, publicity, or a promotion (or new job) seems to be on the way to you.
Your work life has become busy, which might surprise you because so many of your friends are taking vacations and generally enjoying a peaceful, leisurely life. The reason you might get very busy in August is that you might work in a seasonal business where July and August are prep months for year-end gift giving, food, or entertainment. If you take a holiday in August, you might be determined to lose a few pandemic pounds that you gained. A holiday or weekend away where you can enjoy sports might appeal to you, including hiking, power walking, running, bike riding, rock climbing, or other outdoor activities. Being active will be fun for you, dear Aries, for you are known to be a competitive, athletic sign—after all, you are ruled by Mars. Being active helps you offset stress.
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- Сюзанна Миллер: Я бы снова так жила. Воспоминания . Записано и представлено Антье Дертингер , Дитц, Бонн 2005, ISBN 3-8012-0351-4 .
- Хольгер Бёрнер : Предисловие . В: Сюзанна Миллер. Личная библиография , стр. 7-11.
- Ахим Энгельберг : Те, кто проиграл бой. Дитц, Берлин 2007, ISBN 978-3-320-02110-8
- Генрих Поттхофф: жизнь за свободу и социал-демократию — Сюзанна Миллер (1915-2008) . В: Bastian Hein, Manfred Kittel , Horst Möller (ред.): Faces of Democracy. Портреты современной немецкой истории. Публикация Института современной истории Мюнхен-Берлин . Ольденбург, Мюнхен 2012, ISBN 978-3-486-71512-5 , Интернет ISBN 978-3-486-71601-6 , стр 227-243,. Дои : .