Сериал «черный список»



Reddington besuchte eine Marineakademie, an der er der beste aus seiner Klasse war. Im Alter von 24 sollte er Admiral werden, doch er verschwand plötzlich, als er über Weihnachten im Jahr 1990 seine Familie besuchen wollte. Als er 4 Jahre später wieder auftaucht, verkauft er vertrauliche Dokumente an den Feind. In den nächsten 20 Jahren baut er ein Netzwerk von Kontakten auf, darunter Spione, Diebe, Hacker und Mörder.

Er infiltrierte den privaten Sektor und es gab keine Industrie, die außerhalb seiner Reichweite, einschließlich Technologie, Transport-, Kommunikations-, und Pharma war. Schließlich verkaufte er nicht nur Geheminisse, sondern startete auch Kriege, stürzte Regierungen und beeinflusste die Geo-Politik, um es seinen Bedüfnissen anzupassen. Er wurde als «Concierge of Crime» bekannt, da er die Fähigkeit besitzt, Angebote zwischen den verschiedenen Schwarzmärkten zu arrangieren. Er war auf dem 4. Platz, der vom FBI meistgesuchten Verbrecher, bis er sich in «Raymond Reddingtons Schwarze Liste» dem FBI stellt.

Найдено 22 связанных вопросов с ответами

Красный на самом деле Катарина?

Мы знаем, что настоящий Рыжий умер 30 лет назад от руки Лиз, и история о том, что офицер КГБ Илья Козлов позже принял личность Рэда, оказалась всего лишь историей. … Но предпоследняя серия 8 сезона дразнила больше, чем когда-либо. Рыжая действительно Катарина, хотя эти подозрения так и не подтвердились.

Рыжая Катарина Ростова?

* Сегодняшний день Катарина (всегда превосходная Лейла Робинс) появляется, чтобы сбросить эту бомбу на Лиз: Она не настоящая мать Лиз! Это была всего лишь оперативница по имени Татьяна Петрова, которую Илья зачислил на службу. Катарина Ростова в Белграде много лет назад.

Почему Реддингтон убил Сэма?

Реддингтон говорит Сэму, что он проделал фантастическую работу, вырастив Лиззи как свою собственную, и что он будет защищать ее так же, как и он. Реддингтон возражает, заявляя, что она никогда не должна знать. Затем он убивает Сэма положить конец его страданиям, а также чтобы скрыть «правду».

Илья Козлов отец Элизабет Кин?

Зрители Черного списка долгое время исходили из предположения, что Реддингтон (Джеймс Спейдер) и Гарольд Купер (Гарри Ленникс) вернулись в прошлое, но это изменилось, когда Лиз (Меган Бун) рассказала спецгруппе секрет Рэда: на самом деле он русский оперативник. Илья Козлов, а не тот, кого знал Купер.

Почему Лиз выбрала Катарину?

Причина, по которой она это сделала, была потому что она хотела защитить Лиз. Катарина не хотела, чтобы Рэд знал, что Лиз предала его ради нее, и это очень по-матерински, и я думаю, что это то, что я думаю больше, чем что-либо другое, что произошло ранее, убедило Лиз положить яйца в корзину Катарины.

Катарина действительно мама Лиз?

Хотя происхождение связи Рэда с Лиз не полностью объяснено к концу финала 8-го сезона в среду, намеки, изложенные в последних двух эпизодах сезона, настоятельно предполагают, что Раймонд Реддингтон на самом деле мать Лиз, Катарина Ростова (сыграла в воспоминаниях Лотте Вербеек).

Мать Рыжей Лиз?

Настоящий Раймонд Реддингтон был Лиз отец и был убит рукой дочери в детстве, когда она застрелила его. Катарина скрылась в этот момент и Лиз была отправлена ​​жить со своим приемным отцом Сэмом.

Кто настоящий отец Элизабет Кин?

Лиз Кин — дочь Раймонд Реддингтон Спойлеры: Спойлеры: эта статья содержит спойлеры к финалу 8-го сезона «Черного списка». С самого начала «Черного списка» криминальный сериал NBC держал зрителей в напряжении.

Мать мистера Каплана Лиз?

В воспоминаниях 1960-х, 70-х, 80-х годов молодой мистер Каплан, известный как Кэтрин Немек, был нанят матерью Лиз. Катарина Ростова, чтобы быть смотрителем Лиз. Кейт узнает об отношениях Катарины с Реддингтоном и о том, что он считает Лиз своим ребенком.

Почему Красный убил отца Лиз?

Сэм говорит Реддингтону, что хочет, чтобы Лиззи знала «правду» перед его смертью. Реддингтон возражает, заявляя, что она никогда не должна знать. Затем он убивает Сэма, чтобы положить конец его страдание, а также чтобы скрыть «правду». … Красный утешает Элизабет, оплакивая своего отца.

Что Том прошептал Лиз?

На последнем вздохе Том что-то шепчет Элизабет. Красный говорит, что он понял, что человек, которого он только что замучил и убил, не Берлин, а вместо этого оказывается раненым охранником, которого ФБР допросило в больнице. … Лиз встречается с Редом и говорит, что Том сказал ей, что ее отец жив.

Реддингтон действительно Катарина?

Лиз теряет в памяти лицо матери, когда слышит кричащий на нее голос Рэда, а она все время спрашивает, кто он на самом деле является. Сцена сделана таким образом, что явно подразумевает Катарина это тот, кто стал Раймондом Реддингтон.

Как умерла Катарина Ростова?

Но как бы то ни было, я уверен, что в конечном итоге мы узнаем, что Катарина права в этом заявлении, есть одна часть, в которой она ошибается. Когда Лиз подбегает к месту происшествия, Реддингтон дважды стреляет в Катарину, убив ее на глазах у Лиззи.

Кто настоящий отец Лиз Кин?

Лиз Кин — дочь Раймонд Реддингтон Спойлеры: Спойлеры: эта статья содержит спойлеры к финалу 8-го сезона «Черного списка». С самого начала «Черного списка» криминальный сериал NBC держал зрителей в напряжении.

Дженнифер действительно сестра Лиз?

Дженнифер Реддингтон — дочь Раймонда Реддингтона и Наоми Хайланд. Она сводная сестра Лиз.

Последнее обновление: 7 дней назад — Авторов: 12 — Авторов: 14 — Ссылки: 18 интервью и постов; 8 Видео.

Season 6[]

“Minister D”

Alan Fitch is heard on tape ordering Katarina Rostova to frame Red for treason. It’s also revealed that decades ago, she killed Jordan Loving’s lover and burned the left side of his face after he attempted to blackmail her about the tape.


We learn the history of what happened to Katarina after she walked into the sea and her relationship with the impostor, her friend and lover Ilya Koslov. Though Katarina faked her death by walking into the sea, her fate still remains unknown as her father hasn’t seen or heard from her in 28 years and believes she would’ve made contact if she were still alive.


В 2012 году она дебютировала на Бродвее в мюзикле Bring It On the Musical , который открылся 1 августа 2012 года и закончился 30 декабря 2012 года. Мюзикл был номинирован на премию Тони как лучший мюзикл. Во время гастролей с шоу Редмонд была номинирована на различные награды за свое выступление, в том числе на лучшую исполнительницу в мюзикле от кружка драматических критиков Лос-Анджелеса. В 2014 году она сыграла Полетт в мюзикле If / Then, который открылся 30 марта 2014 года на Бродвее с Идиной Мензель в главной роли .

В 2015 году Редмонд снялся в постановке Off-Broadway театра Vineyard Theatre Gigantic , премьера которой состоялась 3 декабря 2015 года.

Она провела несколько аншлаговых концертов в «54 Lower».

15 января 2019 года было объявлено, что с 19 февраля Редмонд возьмет на себя роль Олафа в бродвейской постановке « Холодное сердце». Она стала первой женщиной, исполнившей эту роль. Однако из-за пандемии коронавируса 2019-2020 все бродвейские театры были закрыты 12 марта 2020 года. Позже Disney объявила, что Frozen не откроется после снятия блокировки.

Unanswered Questions[]

  1. How many other people call Raymond Reddington “Dearie”?
  2. How long have Raymond Reddington and Kathryn Nemec known each other?
    1. A: In “Requiem”, it was revealed 20 years.
  3. What is the skill set needed to be a corpse locating “bloodhound”
    1. A: Forensics.
  4. Is Kathryn Nemec a reference to Kateřina Němcová?
    1. A: No
  5. Why “Mr.” and not “Mrs.”?
    1. A: It is a reference to a Cary Grant movie, “North by Northwest”, in which the character’s name is George Kaplan.
    2. A: It could be an alias. Anyone expecting a Mr. Kaplan, as Liz did, would probably overlook a woman in her mid fifties.
    3. A: It is a respect title, like calling a commanding officer sir, regardless of gender.
    4. A: It could be Reddington using his naval background. In the Navy, both men and women officers are called “Sir”. Same way he called her his “better half”.
    5. A: The character was originally meant to be a male, but an executive producer told them to hire Susan Blommaert.
    6. A: It could also be related with the fact that Kate is lesbian, as revealed in a conversation with Red in which she remembers she was sleeping with some coroner’s sister. (“Dr. James Covington”)
    7. A: From the shooting scene at Niko’s bail bonds shop, the shooter said “I guess that makes you Mr. Kaplan” before shooting both Annie Kaplan and Kate. (“Requiem”)
  6. Is she Liz Keen’s mother? Age could be right. Reddington gives the mother’s name as “Katarina Rostova”. First name works, last name is an alias. Kate’s skills would seem to be a potential fit for a KGB agent.
    1. A: Liz’s mother has been revealed to be Katarina Rostova, a former KGB agent.
    2. A: Implausible, in a previous episode Nemec mentions sleeping with another man’s wife.
    3. A: Red says Liz’s mother died of “shame and weakness”. Is it at possible the “death” she suffered was a transformation into Nemec? I’m not convinced myself, given what we’ve seen so far, if she was Liz’s mother there’d have been some display of emotion. The only emotion she has displayed is toward Red.
    4. A: Not likely, in the photograph Liz found in Red’s flat she appeared taller.
    5. A. Not likely as Reddington says Lizzie looks like her mother. There’s no resemblance between Lizzie and Kate.
    6. A: In “Requiem”, she was a nanny hired by Katarina Rostova to care for Liz while she is away.
  7. Did Red intend to kill Nemec and miss? Or was the intent to graze her all along? Even the man in the woods could have been set up by Red to make sure she was taken care of afterwards.
    1. A: No, Red’s intent was to kill Nemec for her betrayal in faking Liz’s death. The man in the woods who rescued her could’ve been working for Rostov and she later recruited to begin her revenge on Red for shooting her.
    2. A: She has a steel plate on her head after an old shooting. It may have diverted Reds bullet.
  8. Is she behind the recent attacks on Red’s business empire?
    1. A: Yes, she wants to bring Reddington’s empire down.
  9. Why did she keep all the bodies she had “cleaned up” over the years?
    1. A: They had not been found. It could have been an insurance policy to protect herself.
  10. When did she figure out Reddington’s true identity?

Memorable Raymond Reddington Quotes

31. “Shhh, listen. Hear that? That’s the sound of your checks bouncing.” – Raymond Reddington

32. “In Mexico, there are these fish that have colonized the freshwater caves along Sierra del Abra. They were lost. They found themselves living in complete darkness. But they didn’t die. Instead, they thrived. They adapted. They lost their pigmentation, their sight, eventually even their eyes. With survival, they became hideous. I’ve rarely thought about what I once was. But I wonder if a ray of light were to make it into the cave, would I be able to see it? Or feel it? Would I gravitate to its warmth? And if I did, would I become less hideous?” – Raymond Reddington

33. “I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in.” – Raymond Reddington

34. “The future is a sucker’s bet, a maybe, a contingency, a “What if?” – Raymond Reddington

35. “You see, if you were a betting man, you would understand that now trumps later every time.” – Raymond Reddington

36. “What if I were to tell you that all the things you come to believe about yourself are a lie?” – Raymond Reddington

37. “You talk too much.” – Raymond Reddington

38. “Really, I’m all for being thorough, but at this point, you are just taking the nickel tour.” – Raymond Reddington

39. “Every cause has more than one effect.” – Raymond Reddington

40. “I don’t know if I should be thrilled or terrified.” – Raymond Reddington

​Mr. Reddington’s Jackets

When Red is not wearing a suit jacket he is often seen wearing a blue windbreaker or a long black jacket.

Red’s long black jacket is a black trench coat and the best match I have found is this London Fog Coat​.  This is not an exact match but is very close.

​The exact windbreaker he wears on the show is a Lora Piana Traveler windbreaker sold by Neiman Marcus.  This jacket is extremely expensive and is often out of stock so I do have a few, while not perfect, acceptable alternatives.

My top choice is this Izod Anorak jacket.  I think this is about as close as you will get to his jacket without spending $2,000.00 on the actual jacket worn on the show.

It is not a perfect match, the buttons on the Izod jacket are visible while his jacket on the show are hidden, but that should not be a big deal for most people and is overall a minor discrepancy that would be unnoticed by most.

Another good option is the Carhartt Rockford Rain Defender jacket.  With this jacket we are getting a little more further away from the jacket that he wears on the show with the Carhartt logo on the breast pocket.  However, this is still a solid match.​

Season 5[]

“Greyson Blaise”

One of Kaplan’s associates, Albert Dennison, is found by Tom, tied to a chair and tortured. Tom hides just as Dembe and Reddington enter, revealing they are responsible. Reddington asks where the suitcase is, only for Dennison to laugh before Reddington shoots him twice in the chest. Before he dies, he tells Tom to look for Oleander.

“The Kilgannon Corporation”

Reddington mentioned that during the war with Kaplan, she destroyed his human smuggling networks and the Kilgannons took over his routes.

“Sutton Ross”

After discovering the truth about what is in the duffle bag of bones, Liz lists Kate as one of the people who died trying to reveal the truth to her: the bones belong to the real Raymond Reddington who was truly killed by Liz when she was a kid while protecting her mother and was replaced by the man Liz has known all along as Reddington.

Which of these Raymond Reddington quotes is your favorite?

As you can see from the quotes above, Raymond Reddington is a complex, genius, narcissist who is always a few steps ahead of everyone else.

His focus is never on the task at hand, but what that task at hand leads to and the FBI needs to learn to start thinking like Reddington in order to keep up with him.

A sociopath who seemingly has no emotion or care for others, Reddington does show a fondness for a few loved ones throughout the series, but he is still the number one concern to himself.

With Reddington’s intellect, charm, and cold-blooded reasoning he is able to get in and out of most situations and his past makes him an integral resource for the FBI as he leads them in capturing many high-profile criminals.

Check out Raymond Reddington in The Blacklist and see if you are as cunning as he is.

Did you enjoy these Raymond Reddington quotes and lines? Which of the quotes is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.

​Raymond Reddington’s Shoes

No, Red does not wear Converse Chuck Taylors or Vans, Red wears a practical yet stylish dress shoe.

I have not been able to track down the exact shoes Red wears on the show. After doing research, I have learned many believe they are called Ferragamo Stream in Auburn deer, but I have been unable to verify this or find this shoe sold online.

I have however, found a close match with the Bostonian Wendell Oxford​.

​His shoes are not a main focus point in his overall style in my opinion. So, I think you are safe to go with most brown dress shoes, but if you want to get as close as you can to what Red wears on the show, I say go with the Bostonian Oxford’s.


Raymond Reddington nació el 7 de febrero de 1960 en una localidad de Massachusetts, en los Estados Unidos.

Asistió a la Academia Naval, graduándose el primer en su promoción a la edad de 24. Mientras se preparaba para ser almirante, desapareció en una visita a su familia durante la navidad de 1990. 4 años después reapareció vendiendo documentos clasificados a criminales.

Durante los siguientes 20 años se creó una red de contactos; que incluyen espías, ladrones, hackers y asesinos. Durante este tiempo; los activos estadounidenses situados en Moscú, Islamabad y Beijing fueron comprometidos.

Red acabó infiltrado en el sector privado, sin existir industria que no pudiera alcanzar; incluyendo tecnología, navíos, comunicaciones y fármacos. Finalmente terminó vendiendo información secreta que sirviera para iniciar guerras, derrocar gobiernos e influenciar geo-políticamente según las necesidades. Estas actividades le valieron el sobrenombre de el conserje del crimen, debido a su habilidad para realizar tratos entre varias facciones del mercado negro.

Alcanzó el cuarto número de la lista de más buscados del FBI, como un fugitivo en condición de «arresto inmediato», algo que consiguieron cuando él mismo visitó sus instalaciones para entregarse («Piloto»).


Other than Red’s sunglasses and fedora, his most notable accessory would have to be his watch. Red wears a GMT Master II made by Rolex.

​This is a very expensive accessory, but I thought I should show you where to get the real thing.

For most of us the SO&CO Yacht club watch is a much more realistic option. This watch looks very close to the watch he wears on the show and would make an excellent addition to your Raymond Reddington outfit.


Red’s signature glasses are one of my favorite parts of the Raymond Reddington outfit. They have gold frames with cognac lenses.

You can find the exact same glasses available on Amazon and sold by SunglassesRave.

​If you are doing a Raymond Reddington costume, I highly suggest you include these because — like the Fedora — it is a key piece to his outfit.

If you would rather use a pair of your own glasses, make sure they have cognac lenses, otherwise they will just not look right and you would be better off without them.


While researching what kind of hat Red wears, I found that the idea of the fedora was actually James Spader’s idea. He thought the hat would go well with the character and I have to agree.

If you want to include Reddingtons fedora, there is an exact replica available on Amazon​.  I was also able to find a close match to his grey fedora sold by Belfry Hats.

Personally, I like the black fedora and considering that it is a replica of the hat he wears on “The Blacklist” I would recommend going with that one.​

If you’re looking for his straw fedora, this Stetson is a pretty close match.​

Season 5[]

“The Invisible Hand”

He met his granddaughter Elizabeth for the first time, though he didn’t divulge his true identity to her. However he did share on how he knew her mother Katarina. After she left, Dom called Reddington to inform him of Elizabeth’s visit, in the end he expressed his frustration on having seen his granddaughter for the first time in 30 years without informing her of who he is. Dominic also warned him to stop being evasive and tell her the truth about what he did, to which he hung up on him.

“Sutton Ross”

After recovering the duffle bag of bones, Red returns to Dom’s cabin with Dembe. Dom watches as Reddington burns the bones of what is revealed to be the real Raymond Reddington who had been killed and replaced decades before by the imposter known as Raymond Reddington. Aware of the man’s secret, Dom warns that while Liz may not know his secret, she knows he has one and will never stop till she discovers it. However, Dom, Dembe and Raymond are unaware that Liz has already learned the truth, that Raymond is not the real Raymond Reddington.

Season 8[]

“Dr. Laken Perillos“

Laken Perillos tortures Raymond Reddington and Dembe Zuma to discover the location of the Sikorsky archive. Townsend later pummels Max Ruddiger because his failure.

“Captain Kidd“

Townsend contracts with the Saudi secret police to deliver a renowned human rights defender into their custody in exchange for Bitcoin payment made through an intermediary. When the job is botched with help from the Task Force, Townsend realizes William Benedict may be taken into FBI custody. Townsend arrives to kill Benedict to cover his tracks.

“Nicholas Obenrader”

Neville learns of Liz’s duplicity after Vandyke puts malware on Donald Ressler’s cell. Through the malware, he discovers the identity of Reddington’s friend Ivan Stepanov. While keeping Liz in the dark about what he knows, Neville moves swiftly to kidnap Ivan, and confront him about N-13 and the Sikorsky Archive. Meanwhile, Reddington places a double agent, Priya Laghari, inside Townsend’s organization with orders to assassinate him.

“Ivan Stepanov”

The events of the night Neville’s family was killed are shown. Neville recounts the story to Ivan while he tortures Ivan with an electric shock collar and drugs. When Ivan finally breaks down, he whispers something into Neville’s ear. This changes his focus from torturing Ivan to vowing suffering and death on Elizabeth. By this time, Reddington knows through Priya the location of Townsend and attacks the building. A firefight ensues. Eventually, the FBI arrives as well. Reddington manages to leave by then. Townsend issues a new directive targeting Elizabeth Keen, Raymond Reddington, Priya Laghari, and the Task Force, over Elizabeth’s unknown connection to the death of his family.

“The Protean”

Neville hires the Protean as part of his directive. While the Protean prefers to work his jobs his way, Neville persistently calls him for updates on Elizabeth’s whereabouts.

“Balthazar ‘Bino’ Baker”

Neville and his men are on Elizabeth’s trail. He learns she and Ressler are in the Seventh Ward. He drives out there and pays school students to locate their location. Bino finds out it’s Neville that she is hiding from, so he reports to Neville that he has Elizabeth in his custody in order to appease him, and to apologize for helping Reddington unwittingly. Neville’s team fails to capture her but they manage to seriously wound Ressler.

“Godwin Page”

Neville breaches Bino’s chess club, the Castle, to find Elizabeth, only finding Balthazar Baker’s corpse. Keen located the hidden door leading into Bino’s pipeline and made an escape with Reddington and Dembe. After losing her again, Neville turns his attention to sending Godwin away to safety as the FBI has authorized an arrest warrant. This turns out to be one of Reddington’s sleight of hand magick tricks and Godwin is captured. Elizabeth aids Godwin’s escape in exchange for Neville killing Reddington and ending the vendetta. Elizabeth uses Godwin’s tracking chip to give Neville Red’s location, but Neville arrives too late, Red’s has taken Elizabeth away on his private jet.


He attacks the bunker before Liz learns the true name of Red. He reveals that he has not slept with stability in 25 years. He is killed in an explosion set by Red.


His corpse is identified. It was revealed his syndicate worked with Russian, Serbian, Italian, Chinese, American, and British mafia groups. After his death, they will come to take over his empire.


Reddington es un hombre de mediana edad, de estatura regular y complexión física en buen estado. Pesa 86,2 kilos (190 libras) y mide cerca de 1,76 metros. Posee tez clara, ojos verdes y padece calvicie. Al tratarse de un criminal profesional, Red es un hombre despiadado que está dispuesto a matar a cualquier persona que lo obstaculice. Detesta profundamente las traiciones, precisamente por ser una persona que valora mucho la lealtad, asesinando a todo aquel que lo ha vendido o ha roto los pactos establecidos. Se clasifica como un hombre “a la antigua” ya que no es adepto a la modernización y prefiere vestir trajes ochenteros, acompañados por un característico sombrero de la misma época.

Suele ser alguien impredecible, apareciéndose en lugares claves de forma inesperada antes que sus enemigos, tomándolos con sorpresa. Además, tiene un gusto por contar anécdotas de su vida, muchas de ellas acompañadas por un intimidante sarcasmo; las cuales suele utilizar a menudo para que el receptor deduzca lo que tiene en mente.

Debido a su personalidad, él se ha armado de muchas enemistades y por el contrario, pocas amistades. Sin embargo, cuando establece una relación afectiva de cualquier tipo con alguien, puede ser cariñoso y predispuesto a proteger a esa persona, como se muestra con Dembe Zuma, Naomi Hylland y más aún con Elizabeth Keen, con quien tiene una atípica relación de padre-hija.


Not much is known about Dominic Wilkinson’ past aside from the facts that he was born in Russia and that he is a notorious KGB agent that operated in the United States under the code name “Oleander”, having been investigated by the FBI. Sometime in his life, he had his daughter Katarina Rostova with Virginia Loving. Dom trained Katarina to be a KGB agent just like him and, as her handler, Dom assigned to Katarina the mission to seduce and spy on Raymond Reddington. Following the end of the Cold War, Dom moved to a reclusive house in the United States and assumed the identity of Dominic Wilkinson, a retired systems analyst, and cut down all ties with his family to protect them from reprisals. When it was discovered that Katarina Rostova betrayed the KGB for the Cabal, Dom helped his daughter to escape from Russia and disappear. One year later, following the formation of the Townsend Directive, Dom tried to kill a KGB agent named Tatiana Petrova with a car bomb in Belgrade after framing her as Katarina, in order to keep his granddaughter Masha safe from the Directive, but he failed and killed Tatiana’s husband instead.

Dom is among the very few who know that Raymond Reddington is not the real Raymond Reddington, but an imposter who took over his identity over 30 years ago. As much as Dominic despises him, he has shown to care for Red, as he respected his wishes in not letting his granddaughter know what happened to her mother.



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  • Рон Рейнс заменил Брайана Деннехи в роли из-за смерти последнего до начала съемок.
  • Кларк Миддлтон , сыгравший Глена Картера, следопыта Реддингтона, умер в октябре 2020 года.
  • 15 июня 2021 года было объявлено, что Меган Бун покинет сериал после восьми сезонов.

Съемки фильма

Производство восьмого сезона началось в сентябре 2020 года с соблюдением полных протоколов безопасности на фоне пандемии COVID-19 .

Отъезд Йона Бокенкампа

24 июня 2021 года создатель сериала Джон Бокенкамп объявил, что покидает сериал после 8 сезонов, чтобы перейти к новым проектам.

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